Bellevue Healthcare Trust Factsheet November 2022
Welcome to our November narrative. This has been another frustrating and largely macro-driven month; a trend that pretty much sums up the entire year. Just when you think you are getting on top of things, the world pivots once again. China takes another great leap – whether it is forward or backward, time will tell.
Your managers have been on the road seeing companies; normality is finally upon us as we approach the third anniversary of the first cases of COVID-19 (or nCov as it was then known) on 12 December 2019. How the world has changed…
Even as the world struggles with multiple macro-economic and geo-political headwinds and the economic fallout from these impacts the lives of ever more people, one can look back over these three years and be nothing but amazed at the relentless progress in the field of human medicine. This is the season for gifts and healthcare is the gift that keeps on giving.
Your managers have been on the road seeing companies; normality is finally upon us as we approach the third anniversary of the first cases of COVID-19 (or nCov as it was then known) on 12 December 2019. How the world has changed…
Even as the world struggles with multiple macro-economic and geo-political headwinds and the economic fallout from these impacts the lives of ever more people, one can look back over these three years and be nothing but amazed at the relentless progress in the field of human medicine. This is the season for gifts and healthcare is the gift that keeps on giving.