Bellevue Healthcare Trust Factsheet July 2022
Welcome to our July jocundity. The schools are out and the sun is shining. Thank goodness it’s holiday season, because nothing works: there aren’t enough staff at the airports (and it can take an age to renew your passport), ambulances and GP appointments vie with unicorns for rarity, there isn’t enough water for the garden and the price of everything rises literally before our eyes. At least the rolling blackouts haven’t yet started.
Where will it end? Worry not, for the Truss/Sunak brains trust will shortly carry us into the sunny uplands. Decades of chronic under-investment and poor planning will fall away in mere weeks and before you know it, we’ll be saved. If not, “no idea Keir” or whatshisface from the other lot whose name we cannot recall will suddenly have some policies. It’s all good; Thomas Hobson be damned.
For those desperate for good news, the stock market has recently began to offer some cheer. Perhaps we are finding a bottom. Sentiment certainly seems to have reached that point where few investors are expecting positive news. However, we continue to see opportunity and that is an exciting distraction from the chaos of everyday reality in basket-case UK.
Where will it end? Worry not, for the Truss/Sunak brains trust will shortly carry us into the sunny uplands. Decades of chronic under-investment and poor planning will fall away in mere weeks and before you know it, we’ll be saved. If not, “no idea Keir” or whatshisface from the other lot whose name we cannot recall will suddenly have some policies. It’s all good; Thomas Hobson be damned.
For those desperate for good news, the stock market has recently began to offer some cheer. Perhaps we are finding a bottom. Sentiment certainly seems to have reached that point where few investors are expecting positive news. However, we continue to see opportunity and that is an exciting distraction from the chaos of everyday reality in basket-case UK.